Exodus Week 5 – The Law December 3, 2017 Larry Travis Christian Living, Exodus, Resurrection, Sin Exodus
Mark Chapter 9 – Transfiguration August 27, 2017 Ian Standing Christian Basics, Christian Living, The Gospel Mark
Has the Bible Been Changed Over the Centuries? May 7, 2017 Larry Travis Apologetics, Evangelism, The Gospel
A Framework For Witnessing April 23, 2017 Christian Basics, Christian Living, Evangelism, Outreach, Resurrection
Good Friday April 14, 2017 Larry Travis Christian Basics, Christian Living, Resurrection, Salvation, Sin, The Gospel
Colossians 2:16 – 3:4 March 5, 2017 Paul Benness Christian Basics, Spiritual Growth, The Gospel Colossians
Colossians 2:8-15 February 26, 2017 John Prince Christian Basics, Spiritual Growth, The Gospel Colossians PowerPoint presentation available on the PDF link.